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Akaitcho Territory Government


Northwest Territories

The Akaitcho Territory Government represents the collective environmental, social, political, cultural, and economic interests of the Member First Nations – Deninu Ku’e First Nation, Lutsel K’e Dene First Nation, Smith’s Landing First Nation and Yellowknives Dene First Nation – Dettah/ Ndilo. The ATG exists to assist Akaitcho communities as they develop the self-sufficiency required to realize their individual and collective future goals and objectives. Its prime function is to facilitate and coordinate the transitional efforts of its members as they move toward meaningful First Nation governance.

“As long as the sun shines, the rivers flow and the grass grows,” the Akaitcho Dene are united to protect our sovereign and inherent rights to our water, land and Tech’adi in our traditional territory, through the spirit and intent of Treaty making in 1899 and 1900, thus setting the foundation for the future generations.”

The mission of the Akaitcho Aquatic Monitoring Program is to empower, advocate and guide member First Nations to implement programs that will create awareness of environmental concerns and effects to our water, land and Tech’adi by securing resources for program development, research, and monitoring.

Fort Resolution Office Complex
Akaitcho Territory Government
Annie Boucher
Executive Director of Akaitcho Territory Government
Ph: (867) 394-3313
Fax: (867) 394-3413


Yellowknives Dene First Nation Dettah
Yellowknives Dene First Nation Ndillo
Deninu Kue First Nation
Lutsel K’e Dene First Nation
Smith’s Landing First Nation
  • The Akaitcho way of life has always respected the Land, Water, and Tech’adi (e.g. all living things) on Mother Earth.
  • The Akaitcho Dene have always had the responsibility of being the “Keepers of the Land, Water, and Tech’adi.”
  • The Akaitcho Dene way of life is connected to the Land, Water, and Tech’adi.
  • The Akaitcho Dene way of life has always had a spiritual connection to the Land, Water, and Tech’adi through our customs and practices
  • The Akaitcho Dene way of life has always followed the oral history passed down from generation to generation.
  • The Akaitcho Dene have co-existed together and with others.
  • The Akaitcho Dene have always encouraged our young people to pursue their educational goals, both traditional and formal.
  • The Akaitcho Dene are proud to be Dene.


  • Chipewyan
  • Tłı̨chǫ
  • English